Wallbridge Storage Ltd

‘Best priced Stroud storage rental units’

24hr access to your storage unit 7 days a week


Cheapest self storage units in Stroud


24hr CCTV security to keep your belongings safe

New, clean storage units near stonehouse

Best prices in Stroud £39.23 per week

Low Prices


Clean & no long-term commitments

Safe & Secure storage
24 hour self storage access
Household self storage units for personal storage
Business self storage

Self Storage in Stroud

If you're looking for a self storage unit in Stroud, look no further than Wallbridge Storage Ltd. Our units are clean and secure, with 24-hour access. Our 160sqft self storage units are £170pcm thats makes our units £39.23 a week, which makes them perfect for any kind of personal or business storage.

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Visit Us

Wallbridge Industrial Estate, Wallbridge, Stroud, GL5 3JU

01453 703588

9am–4pm (24 hour Access)